Detecting Traffic Jams in Real-Time – how to use Google Traffic
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12 Bilder
Detecting Traffic Jams in Real-Time – how to use Google Traffic
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von 12: Detecting traffic jams in real-time and in time to avoid them – that’s the function Google Traffic offers free of charge. The basis for the traffic data is provided by all smartphones that use Google’s Android operating system; taken together, the phones deliver extensive real-time data from all regions in Western Europe. Our compact guide will show you how to use Google Traffic.
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von 12: Now you can see the traffic situation on all of the major highways: green = flowing smoothly, yellow = stop-and-go, red = minor traffic jam, and red-and-black = major traffic jam.
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von 12: Google Traffic shows you where to watch out for traffic jams in real-time. Here we can see that there’s a jam on the A7 in the Hamburg metropolitan area, north of the Elbe Tunnel.
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von 12: Google Traffic can also help in urban driving situations. But don’t be alarmed if you see short red zones just before intersections; that’s the normal jamming right before a traffic light.
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von 12: With Google Traffic, you can also check for traffic jams in real-time in our neighboring countries, as we can see here in the port of Rotterdam.
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von 12: In the lower left-hand menu, you can choose to view forecasts for specific days and times of the week – like here, where we see the forecast for the Stuttgart region, Tuesdays just after 5 pm.
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von 12: You can also use Google Traffic on your mobile device – as part of the Google Maps app, you can select the Traffic function to check for jams.
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